An Embodied Woman is Attractive

You have big dreams but lack of confidence? You are in the right place.

    1:1 coaching




    Is it for You?

    You want to live your best life but don’t know where to start?

    You’re constantly settling for less than what you deserve

    You have big dreams but lack of contains don’t let you make them come true?

    You need motivation and mentorship to reach goals

    You know you’re here for become the best version of yourself and you’re ready for change!

    Circle Image


    About Me

    I provide 1:1 support, retreats, and workshops, online and in person.

    “Hailing from Shamanic roots, healing rituals have been a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember.
    I have conducted yoga training in Sri Lanka, where I had the opportunity to learn about the Ayurvedic lifestyle. I am a certified Holistic Wellness Coach specialized in gut health. 
    When assisting others, I implement professional training and ancient knowledge I have cultivated throughout the years.
    I am an advocate of female empowerment who strives for nothing more than to inspire individuals to step into their best versions.”

    Embracing Wellness: My Journey Milestones

    20 years

    I am a teacher and coach with 20 years of experience.

    8 years

    For the last 8 years I work with women to help them awaken their femininity.


    More than 400 women became happier by completing my courses.


    My Services

    Sessions 1:1

    The most effective way to collaborate with me is 1:1 session. You will be guided and mentored by me throughout the transformation process.

    Wellness Programs

    The most popular courses are about femininity awakening. You will become that woman, who invites magic into her life, just the best version of yourself.

    Women Retreats

    Special series of events called Romantic Reset. The main purpose here is to let romantic relationship in your life.

    Join Now

    Please fill out the form and we will get back to you asap.

      reach your personal goal

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      400+ Happy Clients

      Words from my Clients

      “Anny is just magical person who is there for your 24h a day. She helped me so much, I am a different person now living my dream life. I became very confident and am now in charge of my life. Mary made sure the transformation went smoothly and helped during each stage. There are no words that could express my gratitude.”

      Simone Turner

      “She helped me so much, I am a different person now living my dream life. I became very confident and am now in charge of my life. Anny made sure the transformation went smoothly and helped during each stage. There are no words that could express my gratitude.”

      Lola Bunny
      gratitude journal pink mandala (501 x 801 px)


      A Life You Love

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